UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
Kazakhstan_YesSheCan_marine woman
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
Kazakhstan_YesSheCan_oilandgas engineer
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
Kazakhstan_YesSheCan_taekwondo trainer
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
Kazakhstan_YesSheCan_bus driver
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
Kazakhstan_YesSheCan_robotics engineer
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
Kazakhstan_YesSheCan_IT coder
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
Kazakhstan_YesSheCan_football player
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
Kazakhstan_YesSheCan_Football lawyer
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
UN Women Europe and Central Asia:
Kazakhstan_YesSheCan_border guard