seth.squatch: Down below...
seth.squatch: Grandpa and Ian
seth.squatch: Checking out the bait...
seth.squatch: Fish guts.
seth.squatch: What's in those cages?
seth.squatch: Camille
seth.squatch: On the Rough
seth.squatch: Newport, Oregon
seth.squatch: On the Rail
seth.squatch: Unloaded
seth.squatch: Wishing for a Crab Pot
seth.squatch: Cousins
seth.squatch: Check out the wildlife
seth.squatch: What's down there?
seth.squatch: Britta says hello...
seth.squatch: Ames and the baby
seth.squatch: Beetle! Look!
seth.squatch: She's got a sliver...
seth.squatch: The Sea Pirate
seth.squatch: Fish heads, fish heads...
seth.squatch: The Clan at Rest
seth.squatch: At the Rogue
seth.squatch: Busy hands