seth.squatch: First Campfire of the Year
seth.squatch: Brushing up
seth.squatch: Just Pokin' the Fire
seth.squatch: Looking for Sasquatch
seth.squatch: Ian, Taylor, Ben
seth.squatch: Bigfoot!
seth.squatch: Walking the Line
seth.squatch: Through the woods
seth.squatch: Packing a friend
seth.squatch: Repose
seth.squatch: Chasing the Girls
seth.squatch: Better than TV
seth.squatch: Pokin' the Fire
seth.squatch: Ben tickles
seth.squatch: Ben Vs. Ben
seth.squatch: Hatchet time
seth.squatch: Ian's turn
seth.squatch: Sawing is easier...
seth.squatch: Ben's turn
seth.squatch: Ian Anders
seth.squatch: monkees
seth.squatch: In the Rigging
seth.squatch: We need some of these in our yard, Dad...
seth.squatch: Monkey boy
seth.squatch: Whoop!
seth.squatch: Hurry and take the picture, Dad...
seth.squatch: More tickles
seth.squatch: Hesitant, yet...
seth.squatch: Turn-about