seth.squatch: bridge
seth.squatch: hallway + red door
seth.squatch: where vacuums go to die
seth.squatch: red light
seth.squatch: Ceiling
seth.squatch: chris tad
seth.squatch: chris + tad
seth.squatch: chris + tad
seth.squatch: chris + tad
seth.squatch: chris + tad
seth.squatch: Ray of Light, Part II
seth.squatch: chris + tad
seth.squatch: chris + tad
seth.squatch: Ray of Light
seth.squatch: Clock tower
seth.squatch: all done
seth.squatch: the room
seth.squatch: chinatown
seth.squatch: rogers optician
seth.squatch: optical
seth.squatch: seed heads
seth.squatch: Idlewild gig poster
seth.squatch: Pajaro
seth.squatch: Star Toss
seth.squatch: 3636 A
seth.squatch: cool nursery
seth.squatch: stop driving
seth.squatch: Bridge