unsure shot: The Flaming Lips at Hollywood Forever Cemetery
unsure shot: Wayne Coyne in his space bubble
unsure shot: The Flaming Lips at Hollywood Forever Cemetery
unsure shot: Dancing Dorothys
unsure shot: Teletubby backup singer
unsure shot: Comrade Ivins
unsure shot: I stood up and I said YES!
unsure shot: Wayne Coyne shoots lasers at the cemetery
unsure shot: The Flaming Lips at Hollywood Forever Cemetery
unsure shot: The Flaming Lips at Hollywood Forever Cemetery
unsure shot: Looking into space, it surrounds you
unsure shot: The sound they made was
unsure shot: The Flaming Lips at Hollywood Forever Cemetery
unsure shot: Lighting the spinny thing lights
unsure shot: Bikes at the Hollywood Forever gate
unsure shot: Currency as confetti
unsure shot: Michael and Dorothy
unsure shot: Wayne Coyne: Dark Side of the Space Bubble