unstricia: mt. rainier poking through the clouds
unstricia: antiquey
unstricia: sleepy old guy
unstricia: i miss old buildings
unstricia: giant snapping turtle rescue
unstricia: little newt
unstricia: pink
unstricia: almost swimming weather
unstricia: newts newts everywhere
unstricia: jenny, the kitten rescuer
unstricia: rescued kittens!
unstricia: rescued kittens!
unstricia: rescued kittens!
unstricia: rescued kittens!
unstricia: back to the hometown
unstricia: leaky exhibit
unstricia: a ghost in the exhibit
unstricia: pretty petrified
unstricia: i brought the rain with me
unstricia: imagine
unstricia: misty
unstricia: leafy
unstricia: green
unstricia: beautiful marisa
unstricia: the girls!
unstricia: the girls!
unstricia: the girls!
unstricia: roomies
unstricia: brooklyn beach