unstricia: london!
unstricia: destination: douala
unstricia: the sahara desert
unstricia: me, after 24 hours of traveling. tony, my new cameroonian friend.
unstricia: reunited!
unstricia: tropical clothesline
unstricia: my first glimpse of cameroon in daylight
unstricia: bucket bath
unstricia: jama jama
unstricia: candlelight cooking
unstricia: the infamous whiskey sachets
unstricia: mt. cameroon
unstricia: latrine
unstricia: Limbe Wildlife Centre
unstricia: Limbe Wildlife Centre
unstricia: Limbe Wildlife Centre
unstricia: Limbe Wildlife Centre
unstricia: Limbe Wildlife Centre
unstricia: African Grey Parrots
unstricia: cameroonian flag
unstricia: our fancy hotel for a night
unstricia: romantic moments lost on kim & trish continue in africa
unstricia: first of many amazing sunsets
unstricia: empty market stalls
unstricia: roland walked with us so that we wouldn't get robbed at machete point on the beach
unstricia: really cool boats
unstricia: black sand
unstricia: babooshka
unstricia: the beach is a good way to start a trip