unstricia: Briana and Kevin's wedding
unstricia: candle in the window
unstricia: windows
unstricia: window.
unstricia: Me and Kate
unstricia: Briana and Kevin
unstricia: Me and Kenya
unstricia: Kate
unstricia: Kenya and Kate
unstricia: Me and Kate
unstricia: Me, Kate, and Kenya
unstricia: table.
unstricia: The Abbate men building a shed.
unstricia: Paul
unstricia: Nick
unstricia: Dad and Paul
unstricia: Nick, Dad, and Paul
unstricia: Paul's killer fish
unstricia: Nick, Me, and Aunt Mary
unstricia: Torn ACL :-(
unstricia: Me, Nick, and Paul
unstricia: Another picture of me and my brothers
unstricia: Another...
unstricia: My mother likes to take pictures.
unstricia: One of Sue's famous close-ups
unstricia: Pleasantville
unstricia: note
unstricia: Brooklyn Bridge
unstricia: Bridge
unstricia: More bridge...