Shannoxx: aw...
Shannoxx: aw...
Shannoxx: drink up Tiffany!
Shannoxx: AJ rockin' my glazzys
Shannoxx: glamorous!
Shannoxx: where's da BBQ?
Shannoxx: cheers meme!
Shannoxx: <3 my meme
Shannoxx: cosmo melts AJ's heart
Shannoxx: stick 'em up (again)
Shannoxx: cosmo lookin for tasties
Shannoxx: cosmo getting some tasties
Shannoxx: AJ telling cosmo not to make a mess
Shannoxx: cleaning up after cosmo
Shannoxx: gimme more
Shannoxx: aww... hugs
Shannoxx: smiles
Shannoxx: yummy delish
Shannoxx: ragin' good time
Shannoxx: dad getting a margarita and saying hello to the hott waitress
Shannoxx: eatin' dem ribs
Shannoxx: swingin' on a star... or just a swing
Shannoxx: whoooosh
Shannoxx: and push!
Shannoxx: la de da
Shannoxx: my daddy is a pirate... shhh-
Shannoxx: what is going on?