Shannoxx: my Cake
Shannoxx: Pedro wonders how crunk people will get!
Shannoxx: I have to sneeze
Shannoxx: ready for balls
Shannoxx: word
Shannoxx: he got the poison
Shannoxx: what do Steve Buscemi and Robert Goulet have in common?
Shannoxx: Mr. Miyagi's observation
Shannoxx: stylin'
Shannoxx: the gangly eye
Shannoxx: broken composure
Shannoxx: there is more beard than face
Shannoxx: Jordi's ski goggles were found!
Shannoxx: it would have been a good picture of the Wench
Shannoxx: rough
Shannoxx: what was that about a gay horse?
Shannoxx: more crazy eyes
Shannoxx: no touching please
Shannoxx: look at my HUGE buns!
Shannoxx: the only way to bowl
Shannoxx: choose wisely Abe
Shannoxx: displeased with his ball handling
Shannoxx: tough crew
Shannoxx: East Providence
Shannoxx: can you find scott?
Shannoxx: ball face
Shannoxx: hoof
Shannoxx: they run a sign shop?
Shannoxx: ball to the face
Shannoxx: can you find the fry