Shannoxx: I am too cool for NYE
Shannoxx: playin' like fools
Shannoxx: SOOOOO HOT
Shannoxx: that look
Shannoxx: two hot bitches
Shannoxx: New Kids reincarnate
Shannoxx: It's the 6 eyed guitar beast
Shannoxx: twins
Shannoxx: drum whore
Shannoxx: don't fear the reaper anyone?
Shannoxx: hangin tough
Shannoxx: oh dear - it's not what you think
Shannoxx: haaaaaad core
Shannoxx: sing into the mic not the bottle
Shannoxx: krata CHOP
Shannoxx: happily drinking
Shannoxx: sing it cowboy
Shannoxx: DSCN0198.JPG
Shannoxx: is there a little Captain in him?