Shannoxx: JUMBOtron
Shannoxx: Waterman St. - Red Bull style
Shannoxx: curve o' death
Shannoxx: Honky Tonk man and his Chicken
Shannoxx: Judges booth
Shannoxx: starting gate
Shannoxx: massive outdoor video-rama
Shannoxx: pit area
Shannoxx: pit area
Shannoxx: fancy fake teef
Shannoxx: right on!
Shannoxx: how many times did you have this problem?
Shannoxx: pit area
Shannoxx: you want Tomb Raiders huh?
Shannoxx: pit area
Shannoxx: assitance is required in the restroom area
Shannoxx: .... creepy
Shannoxx: Shannoxx, blantenly ignoring the obvious...
Shannoxx: the ultimate folk band
Shannoxx: go go powerwheels
Shannoxx: ultimate dorkdome
Shannoxx: the Chick Magnet
Shannoxx: the masses in the pit area
Shannoxx: do you see what I see?
Shannoxx: pit area
Shannoxx: pit area
Shannoxx: my personal fave
Shannoxx: Bodagendogg in disguise
Shannoxx: oh yea, men in tights