Shannoxx: what we have in store
Shannoxx: tall ship
Shannoxx: knifty
Shannoxx: my favorite rose
Shannoxx: look at all da booty
Shannoxx: treasure trove of orchids
Shannoxx: orchids
Shannoxx: orchids
Shannoxx: fancy steerin' wheel
Shannoxx: a rose is a rose
Shannoxx: ready for his close up
Shannoxx: beware of the flower!
Shannoxx: urn girl
Shannoxx: that is one serious piercing
Shannoxx: ouch
Shannoxx: ROAR
Shannoxx: diggin' for gold
Shannoxx: smiles for you
Shannoxx: deviled goodies
Shannoxx: unwrap dat meat
Shannoxx: serve it up
Shannoxx: the wench enjoys her picinic
Shannoxx: goin' in for the kill
Shannoxx: dat be some hard breads
Shannoxx: CHOMP
Shannoxx: i hate olives
Shannoxx: I see you
Shannoxx: munchy lunchy
Shannoxx: how's it do that?
Shannoxx: lunchy munchy