Shannoxx: I'll slap that tongue outta your mouth
Shannoxx: excuse me.
Shannoxx: fight fight fight....
Shannoxx: you can't see me
Shannoxx: DSCN0154.JPG
Shannoxx: DSCN0153.JPG
Shannoxx: DSCN0150.JPG
Shannoxx: DSCN0142.JPG
Shannoxx: DSCN0137.JPG
Shannoxx: DSCN0134.JPG
Shannoxx: DSC04841.JPG
Shannoxx: DSC04838.JPG
Shannoxx: DSC04837.JPG
Shannoxx: DSC04836.JPG
Shannoxx: DSC04805
Shannoxx: DSC04793
Shannoxx: DSC04792
Shannoxx: DSC00613.JPG
Shannoxx: DSC00612.JPG
Shannoxx: what's over there?
Shannoxx: Yuck
Shannoxx: Bedtime
Shannoxx: lightning fast moves
Shannoxx: Nico has excellent control
Shannoxx: get the leash out of your ass
Shannoxx: gimme dat leash back
Shannoxx: Capt'n of his farm
Shannoxx: you can have the stinkin' costume!
Shannoxx: let's play chase
Shannoxx: sometimes the Domestic Pirate Farm gets a little dizzying