UNMC: DSC_0019
UNMC: DSC_0025
UNMC: DSC_0008
UNMC: Pres. Milligan speaking to students-0581
UNMC: DSC_0012
UNMC: J.B. Milliken with students-0586
UNMC: J.B. Milligan with faculty-0598
UNMC: J.B. Milliken with faculty-0640
UNMC: Pres. Milliken with Dr. Gold-0671
UNMC: J.B. Milliken with faculty-0604
UNMC: Dr. Gold with staff-0606
UNMC: Pres. Milliken speaking-0573 (2)
UNMC: Dr. Gold and Pres. Milliken-0560 (2)