UNMC: The Scientist Laureate
UNMC: Congratulating the laureate
UNMC: Distinguished scientist
UNMC: Distinguished scientist
UNMC: Distinguished scientists
UNMC: Distinguished scientist
UNMC: Honored for autism work
UNMC: Pancreatic cancer researcher
UNMC: Respiratory disease specialist
UNMC: Honored for work on antibiotic resistance
UNMC: Lung disease specialist recognized
UNMC: Nursing's palliative care honoree
UNMC: Awardee helps patients see
UNMC: Celebrating with family
UNMC: College of Nursing's honoree
UNMC: Breast cancer researcher honored
UNMC: Dentistry's honoree
UNMC: Family celebration
UNMC: HIV researcher honored
UNMC: Biostatistics expert honored
UNMC: Celebrating with family