Unlisted Sightings:
Behind the scenes, literally.
Unlisted Sightings:
Fresh from a dip in the Godavari
Unlisted Sightings:
Taking preening directions
Unlisted Sightings:
Pondering shot breakdowns
Unlisted Sightings:
Unlisted Sightings:
Come together
Unlisted Sightings:
Little sips of free time
Unlisted Sightings:
In the flow of conversation
Unlisted Sightings:
Spotted me.
Unlisted Sightings:
Craning to see what's happening.
Unlisted Sightings:
My five minute muse
Unlisted Sightings:
Not posing.
Unlisted Sightings:
The grape seller does a show and tell
Unlisted Sightings:
Vantage point.