University of Kentucky:
How can I help?
University of Kentucky:
Signing up to help the cause
University of Kentucky:
Ready to sign up volunteers
University of Kentucky:
Lining up volunteers to work around town
University of Kentucky:
Team meeting
University of Kentucky:
Working with youth
University of Kentucky:
University of Kentucky:
Picking a cause
University of Kentucky:
Team leaders huddle
University of Kentucky:
Can we sign you up?
University of Kentucky:
Going down the list
University of Kentucky:
Time to learn logistics
University of Kentucky:
Here to support
University of Kentucky:
We're ready to help, are you?
University of Kentucky:
Ready to conquer any task
University of Kentucky:
A little team spirit
University of Kentucky:
Sign up was busy
University of Kentucky:
Waiting for our ride
University of Kentucky:
Ready to go
University of Kentucky:
Bring it on
University of Kentucky:
Already lending a helping hand
University of Kentucky:
Ready to go
University of Kentucky:
Waiting for the rest of our team
University of Kentucky:
Can we be of service?
University of Kentucky:
Ready to serve
University of Kentucky:
Record-breaking service for UK FUSION!
University of Kentucky:
President Capilouto thanks the students
University of Kentucky:
Mayor Jim Gray greets FUSION volunteers
University of Kentucky:
Measure twice ...
University of Kentucky:
Hard at work