University of Kent: 1st computer
University of Kent: 50th_053_Ann Smith
University of Kent: 50th_056_Congs 1968
University of Kent: 50th_058_Radio
University of Kent: 1966 - campus - main lecture hall (query)
University of Kent: 1966 - Eliot college quad
University of Kent: 1966 - John on steps of Eliot College
University of Kent: 1966 - view of nearly completed Rutherford college
University of Kent: 1966 UKC Installation of new Chancellor - John Harwood
University of Kent: 1967 - UKC summer fair - Diana (Cobban) & Andrew (May)
University of Kent: 1968 - graduation - parents eye view
University of Kent: 1968 - graduation - parents eye view (2)
University of Kent: 1968 - graduation - reception in Eliot quad
University of Kent: 1968 - graduation celebration - John Harwood
University of Kent: 1968-00-00_ [1968 S01 0012]_ UK, England, Kent, Canterbury,
University of Kent: 1969-12-00_ [1969 N01 0025]_ UK, England, Kent, Canterbury, (David Price)
University of Kent: Afternoon Tea
University of Kent: campus 65_001