University of Kent:
Kellyann Ward, Dr Daniel Alai and Leann Phillips
University of Kent:
Louise Frith, Lorraine Millard and Dr Elisabeth Curling
University of Kent:
Dr Suhraiya Jivraj
University of Kent:
Sue Tarrant
University of Kent:
Dr Timothy Brittain-Catlin, Patrick O'Keeffe and Benjamin Wood
University of Kent:
Dr Wissia Fiorucci
University of Kent:
Dr Rosalyn Masterton
University of Kent:
Kevin Smith and Julien Soosaipillai
University of Kent:
Professor Gordon Lynch
University of Kent:
Professor Darren Griffin
University of Kent:
Dr Kaitlyn Regehr
University of Kent:
Dr Rob Barker
University of Kent:
Professor Tracy Kivell
University of Kent:
Professor Richard Griffiths