unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Signs an MOU with DG IRENA
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Signs an MOU with DG IRENA
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Meets Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, Nepal
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary at Ministerial Plenary on Renewables Investment
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary at Ministerial Plenary on Renewables Investment
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Discusses Power grid Interconnection and Clean Cooking with Secretary General, Climate Parliament and Member of Parliament, United Kingdom
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Meets Deputy Minister for Energy and Resource, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Meets Executive Director of the International Energy Agency
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Meets Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Meets Energy Minister, Tonga
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Meets Director-general of IRENA
unescap: ESCAP Executive Secretary Meets Minister for Economic Affairs, Bhutan