United Nations Development Programme: Collected and destroyed in Côte d’Ivoire
United Nations Development Programme: Raising landmine awareness in Bangboka, Democratic Republic of the Congo
United Nations Development Programme: Marching for Mine Awareness in Libya
United Nations Development Programme: Mine Carpet exhibit at UNHQ
United Nations Development Programme: Landmine clearance in the Democratic Republic of Congo
United Nations Development Programme: Clearance - W Sahara
United Nations Development Programme: Backpacks raising awareness in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
United Nations Development Programme: Advocacy_Risk Education - Palestine
United Nations Development Programme: Raising awareness in Bangboka, Democratic Republic of the Congo
United Nations Development Programme: Landmine clearance in Colombia
United Nations Development Programme: Mine clearance in Somalia
United Nations Development Programme: Juwa Stella Anyazo, deminer in South Sudan
United Nations Development Programme: Explosive Remnants of War in post revolution Libya
United Nations Development Programme: Saving Lives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
United Nations Development Programme: Saving Lives in Liberia
United Nations Development Programme: Saving lives in Mali
United Nations Development Programme: Saving lives in South Sudan
United Nations Development Programme: A controlled detonation in Haiti
United Nations Development Programme: Remnants of War destroyed in Libya
United Nations Development Programme: Reducing the risk in Somalia
United Nations Development Programme: South Sudan ammunition storage unit
United Nations Development Programme: Destroying small arms in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
United Nations Development Programme: Yin Sambo, de-miner from Cambodia
United Nations Development Programme: Chrin on former mine field
United Nations Development Programme: Chrin on former mine field
United Nations Development Programme: Farmer Prak Chrin on former mine field
United Nations Development Programme: Prak Chrin is a Cambodian farmer whose land was covered in landmines & unexploded ordances.
United Nations Development Programme: Farmer Prak Chrin and her family stroll through former minefields