United Nations Development Programme: Somalia: A woman speaks out on the obstacles to peace, the future of her region, and what needs to be done next. In order to achieve lasting peace, Interpeace works with societies to promote inclusive dialogue.
United Nations Development Programme: Sri Lanka: Having been displaced several times by war; in February 2012; Manchula, who has been separated from her family since she was 13, was reunited with her father.
United Nations Development Programme: Cambodia: Children play safely in a village finally cleared of mines
United Nations Development Programme: DRC: A Community Liaison team from the local NGO Humanitas Ubangi, supported by the Mines Advisory Group, gives a mine risk education session to village children.
United Nations Development Programme: Cambodia: Cleared of landmines, Chisang village is now a much safer place for its inhabitants.
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United Nations Development Programme: see body for description which is too big for subject box
United Nations Development Programme: USA: The bronze Knotted Gun Sculpture by Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reutersward, outside of the United nations Headquarters in New York
United Nations Development Programme: Sudan: A child collects bullets from the ground in Rounyn in North Darfur. Most of the population in Rounyn fled to camps for displaced people after violent clashes between government and opposition forces.
United Nations Development Programme: Laos: Local fishermen using boats fashioned from US fighter-bomber drop tanks.
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United Nations Development Programme: Brazil: Lula Pela Paz (Fight for Peace) uses boxing and other martial arts as part of its education and personal development programme for the youth for crime-and-violence-affected communities in the favelas in Rio de Janeiro.
United Nations Development Programme: Bangladesh: Refugees at a camp on the Myanmar border--Reach out to Asia Program.
United Nations Development Programme: South Sudan: Former combatants receive policing and human rights training to support their community as police officers.
United Nations Development Programme: Brazil: City police officers interact with students during the school patrol. These patrols ensure more security in schools while improving the relationship between the police and the community.
United Nations Development Programme: Kosovo: Children play on destroyed abandoned tanks.
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United Nations Development Programme: DRC: An ex Mai Mai combatant waits at a disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) transit camp set up by the UN's Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), before being reintegrated into society.
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United Nations Development Programme: Iraq: A beneficiary of the Local Area Development Programme fixes a television receiver in his shop in Chebayesh.
United Nations Development Programme: United States: Police patrol an earthquake-devastated California neighbourhood in an effort to control looting.
United Nations Development Programme: Iraq: The irreparable damage left by armed violence has lasting impact on human lives.
United Nations Development Programme: Philippines: Children from Maluso, a fishing village in Basilan, pass a police sign warning of a five-month pre-election weapons ban.
United Nations Development Programme: Sudan: The presence of peacekeeping forces in West Darfur enable host governments, armed opposition groups, community and assistance partners to cooperate in achieving improvement in security and other conditions affecting civilians.
United Nations Development Programme: Indonesia: Firearms handed over by rebels to officials during the final phase of weapons decommissioning were checked, recorded and destroyed at Kutacane, Aceh.
United Nations Development Programme: Iraq: Bahdaj Abdul, 27, lost his right hand in a mine explosion. He now studies Economy at Basra University.
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United Nations Development Programme: Liberia: Peace Day celebrations in Monrovia included a football match between the country's top amputee football players.
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