United Nations Development Programme: Abidjan - Presidential Palace
United Nations Development Programme: Abidjan - Presidential Palace
United Nations Development Programme: Africa Human Developmetn Report presentation in New York
United Nations Development Programme: Africa Human Development Report 2012
United Nations Development Programme: Ms. Evelyn Oputu, Managing Director of the Bank of Industry (Photo: UNDPP
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark in Nigeria
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark in Nigeria
United Nations Development Programme: VIP group photo_Africa China Poverty Reduction Conference_3_cu
United Nations Development Programme: UNDP Administrator Helen Clark with Tegegnework Gettu (Director UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa) Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, Vice Minister Zheng Wenkai (China) and Donald Kaberuka (President of the African Development Bank)
United Nations Development Programme: UNDP Administrator meeting with staff from UNDP Ethiopia Country Office (1 November 2010)
United Nations Development Programme: UNDP Administrator on the way to meet Prime Minister Meles Zenawi
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark addressing press conference at regional centre
United Nations Development Programme: Administrator and Director of UNDP Africa at Johannesburg press conference
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark in Tanzania
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark in Zanzibar
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark in Tanzania
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark visits Burkina Faso
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark meets with Mali's Foreign Minister
United Nations Development Programme: Director meets with Chinese officials