United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark shows a photo album commemorating 30 years of UNDP in China
United Nations Development Programme: Khalid Malik speaks at UNDP China's 30th anniversary
United Nations Development Programme: Khalid Malik speaks at UNDP China's 30th anniversary
United Nations Development Programme: Khalid Malik speaks at UNDP China's 30th anniversary
United Nations Development Programme: Mr. Yi Xiaozhun, Vice Minister of Commerce, at UNDP China's 30th anniversary
United Nations Development Programme: Mr. Yi Xiaozhun, Vice Minister of Commerce, at UNDP China's 30th anniversary
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark speaks at UNDP China's 30th anniversary
United Nations Development Programme: Madame Chen Zhili, President of the All-China Women's Federation and Vice Chaiperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress speaks at UNDP China's 30th Anniversary
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark and Madame Chen Zhili at the UNDP China 30th Anniversary
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark and Madame Chen Zhili viewing a photo exhibition on 30 years of cooperation between UNDP and the Government of China
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark and Madame Chen Zhili viewing a photo exhibition on 30 years of cooperation between UNDP and the Government of China
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark and Madame Chen Zhili viewing a photo exhibition on 30 years of cooperation between UNDP and the Government of China
United Nations Development Programme: Khalid Malik, Helen Clark, Madame Chen Zhili, Yi Xiaozhun and Chen Weigeng, Vice Governor of Jilin Province at a celebration for UNDP China's 30th Anniversary
United Nations Development Programme: Helen Clark speaks at UNDP China's 30th anniversary celebration