The United Church of Canada:
Set up is almost ready
The United Church of Canada:
Table cloths in colours of the Medicine Wheel
The United Church of Canada:
Last minute cleanup of the stage
The United Church of Canada:
Table decoration Youth Forum
The United Church of Canada:
Table decoration GC41 logo
The United Church of Canada:
Sheila Smith pointing the way to registration
The United Church of Canada:
Susan Sigal, Business Office
The United Church of Canada:
Carleton U welcomes commissioners
The United Church of Canada:
Guards on Parade2
The United Church of Canada:
Guards on Parade at Carleton U
The United Church of Canada:
More guards on parade
The United Church of Canada:
GC41 shares the Carleton Campus with marching bands from around the world.
The United Church of Canada:
Local Arrangements
The United Church of Canada:
Local Arrangements Welcome you to GC41
The United Church of Canada:
Stewards of General Council
The United Church of Canada:
Moderator Nominees Tom Sherwood and Paul Reed
The United Church of Canada:
Local Arrangements helping commissioners find their way.
The United Church of Canada:
Sanders & Tindal
The United Church of Canada:
Moderator Tindal welcomes the court
The United Church of Canada:
General Secretary Nora Sanders
The United Church of Canada:
Moderator Tindal Welcomes the court
The United Church of Canada:
Stephane Vermette
The United Church of Canada:
Stephane Vermette
The United Church of Canada:
Joan McGillvary takes official minutes
The United Church of Canada:
View across the court
The United Church of Canada:
Claudette Commanda welcomes GC41
The United Church of Canada:
Deputy Mayor of Ottawa welcomes GC41
The United Church of Canada:
The "Pot of Prayers" carried from GC40, Kelowna, 2009
The United Church of Canada:
Scott Rock and Susan Gabriel light a candle to open worship
The United Church of Canada:
Roses are placed in memorium