The United Church of Canada:
40th General Council Logo
The United Church of Canada:
Welcome to UBC Okanagan
The United Church of Canada:
The United Church of Canada:
The ultimate in eco-friendly bags
The United Church of Canada:
Set up begins in the gym
The United Church of Canada:
Youth Forum 'busks' their welcome
The United Church of Canada:
Lunch is served in reusable lunch bags
The United Church of Canada:
Youth Forum delivers a resounding welcome
The United Church of Canada:
Youth Forum delegate Kaitlin MacEachern has rhythm!
The United Church of Canada:
Youth Forum delegate Daniel MacDonald plays "Like a Rock."
The United Church of Canada:
International guest Don Hill
The United Church of Canada:
Intercultural Ministries meeting
The United Church of Canada:
Intercultural ministries meeting
The United Church of Canada:
ANCC particpant Myrtle Moneybird
The United Church of Canada:
Global Partners Susie Ibutu and Johnson Mbillah
The United Church of Canada:
Kent Israel
The United Church of Canada:
Staff Adele Halliday, Dan Benson, Michael Blair
The United Church of Canada:
Over 400 prayer flags were sent by churches from across Canada to GC40.
The United Church of Canada:
Commissioners enjoy a break after dinner
The United Church of Canada:
Commissioners Lark Kim, BoJeong Kim, Sungmin Kim, and Jong Bok Kim.
The United Church of Canada:
Dinner is served!
The United Church of Canada:
Bill Steadman (Mr Blogger) and Bill Kennedy (Mr Twitter)
The United Church of Canada:
Magdalena Jennings and Daniel Reid get into the rhythm of worship.
The United Church of Canada:
Communion at opening worship is served by Youth Forum delegates.
The United Church of Canada:
Communion Table for opening worship.
The United Church of Canada:
Moderator David Giuliano preaches on "Come, go down to the Potter's House during opening worship.
The United Church of Canada:
Healthy snacks for everyone!
The United Church of Canada:
Jim Christie, Janice White-Christie, David Wilson
The United Church of Canada:
Commissioners at GC40.
The United Church of Canada:
Moderator David Giuliano opens the 40th General Council of The United Church of Canada.