University of Bath: EU Futures 2019 Events, Bristol
University of Bath: EU Futures 2019 Events, Bristol
University of Bath: Family Nature Party - Paul Blakemore @BLIKMO
University of Bath: FUTURES 2022 - Circular Social TITLE
University of Bath: FUTURES 2022 - Facebook Headers DATES
University of Bath: FUTURES 2022 - Facebook Headers HASHTAG
University of Bath: FUTURES 2022 - Facebook Headers LOGO LARGE
University of Bath: FUTURES 2022 - Facebook Headers LOGO SML
University of Bath: FUTURES 2022 - Square Social TITLE
University of Bath: FUTURES 2022 - Square Socials DATES
University of Bath: FUTURES 2022 - Square Socials HASHTAG
University of Bath: FUTURES BLACK LOGO
University of Bath: FUTURES PURPLE LOGO
University of Bath: FUTURES WHITE LOGO
University of Bath: FUTURES_2019_104
University of Bath: Joint consortium logo and EPSRC logo image 2022
University of Bath: PEU Bath 1
University of Bath: ucl-walking-tour-participants-slide
University of Bath: 29697_Euro_researchers_night_Edge_30
University of Bath: 29697_Euro_researchers_night_Edge_35
University of Bath: 29697_Euro_researchers_night_Edge_70
University of Bath: 220718_040M
University of Bath: AgileRabbit25092021_RobCoombe-5
University of Bath: Copy of AgileRabbit25092021_RobCoombe-43
University of Bath: Copy of AgileRabbit25092021_RobCoombe-144
University of Bath: Copy of AgileRabbit25092021_RobCoombe-154
University of Bath: FUTURES 2018 European Researchers’ Night, Bristol
University of Bath: Agile Rabbit
University of Bath: Agile Rabbit
University of Bath: EU Futures 2019 Events, Bristol