University of Bath: JustEd Nepal school children waiting for the bus
University of Bath: JustEd Nepal - Classroom in a community school in Kathmandu
University of Bath: JustEd Peru children working in a classroom
University of Bath: JustEd Uganda - A typical secondary school compound in rural Uganda
University of Bath: JustEd Peru school building
University of Bath: JustEd Uganda - A typical rural Ugandan lower secondary school classroom
University of Bath: JustEd Uganda - A rural lower secondary school classroom
University of Bath: JustEd Nepal - Excerpt from a textbook excerpt on biodiversity
University of Bath: JustEd Nepal - Excerpt from a textbook on the impact of deforestation
University of Bath: JustEd Nepal - Excerpt from a social studies textbook
University of Bath: JustEd Nepal - People taking shelter
University of Bath: JustEd Nepal - A school in Kirtipur, Kathmandu
University of Bath: JustEd Nepal - Remote village
University of Bath: JustEd Nepal - Classroom in a private school Bhaktapur
University of Bath: JustEd Peru classroom
University of Bath: JustEd Peru working in classroom
University of Bath: JustEd Nepal school in Lalitpu
University of Bath: JustEd Uganda classroom
University of Bath: JustEd classroom working
University of Bath: JustEd Uganda school building
University of Bath: JustEd Uganda classroom map
University of Bath: JustEd Uganda classroom with blackboard
University of Bath: JustEd Peru drawing by a child of rubbish thown in a bin
University of Bath: JustEd Peru people in a classroom
University of Bath: JustEd Peru classroom working