University of Bath: FPMC 2013 - Professor Wayne Book receiving the Robert E. Koski Medal from Dr Roger Fales
University of Bath: FPMC 2014 - Professor Hubertus Murrenhoff (right) receiving the 2014 Robert E. Koski Medal
University of Bath: FPMC 2015 - Professor Monika Ivantysynova with the Koski Medal, together with Beverly and Chris Koski and previous recipients of the Koski Medal: Hubertus Murrenhoff, Jan-Ove Palmberg, Wayne Book and Richard Burton.
University of Bath: FPMC 2016 - Professor Kim Stelson (right) receiving the 2016 Robert E. Koski Medal.
University of Bath: FPMC 2018 - PTMC Directors past and present Cliff Burrows, Andrew Plummer and Kevin Edge, receiving the award from Chris Buxton, Director of the BFPA
University of Bath: FPMC 2018 - Dr Luca Zarotti receives the Koski Medal from Professor Kim Stelson
University of Bath: FPMC 2017 - A little R&R after a heavy day of technical sessions!
University of Bath: FPMC 2017 - Dr Ferdi Megerlin receives the Koski medal on behalf of Dr Werner Dieter.
University of Bath: FPMC 2011 - Prof Richard Burton receiving the prestigious ASME Koski medal from Eric J. Barth.
University of Bath: FPMC 2012 - Professor Siegfried Helduser receiving the Robert E. Koski Medal from Dr Roger Fales.