unicoherent: I made a Triskel Ball
unicoherent: gyroscope
unicoherent: Roses and Thorns Kirigami Crane (“Thornwing of the Rose Clan”)
unicoherent: Modern Sigils: Learning
unicoherent: Chemistry Textbook Bookfolding Commission - Hexagons and Triangles
unicoherent: Light over Unstained Window
unicoherent: Unstained Window
unicoherent: the things I couldn't leave behind
unicoherent: Vatican Jetwing
unicoherent: Modern Sigils: Invitation
unicoherent: A trio of Japanese Stab Bindings
unicoherent: paper flowers
unicoherent: A Paper Art Parade
unicoherent: origami double-cube
unicoherent: laser-star
unicoherent: details showing orange pages
unicoherent: Altered Albuquerque detail
unicoherent: post-it "painting" lying on a dirty floor
unicoherent: Modern Sigils: Growth
unicoherent: In honor of the paper art presentation I will be giving tonight…
unicoherent: Art Deco Bookfolding Frame ("Curled Up In a Good Book")
unicoherent: The Chrysanthemum Water Lily (an origamic architecture greeting card)