UNICEF Ethiopia: Buntu Alem, 10, is one of the top students in grade two that wants to be a doctor
UNICEF Ethiopia: Buntu Alem, 10, is one of the top students in grade two that wants to be a doctor
UNICEF Ethiopia: Buntu Alem, 10, is one of the top students in grade two that wants to be a doctor
UNICEF Ethiopia: Buntu Alem, 10, is one of the top students in grade two that wants to be a doctor
UNICEF Ethiopia: Buntu Alem, 10, is one of the top students in grade two that wants to be a doctor
UNICEF Ethiopia: Frieda Abdi, 11, is a grade one students that aspires to be a teacher.
UNICEF Ethiopia: Frieda Abdi, 11, is a grade one students that aspires to be a teacher.
UNICEF Ethiopia: Frieda Abdi, 11, is a grade one students that aspires to be a teacher.
UNICEF Ethiopia: Frieda Abdi, 11, is a grade one students that aspires to be a teacher.
UNICEF Ethiopia: Frieda Abdi, 11, is a grade one students that aspires to be a teacher.
UNICEF Ethiopia: Maddy Mussa, 14, is a top three students in a grade two that aspires to be a doctor.
UNICEF Ethiopia: Maddy Mussa, 14, is a top three students in a grade two that aspires to be a doctor.
UNICEF Ethiopia: Maddy Mussa, 14, is a top three students in a grade two that aspires to be a doctor.
UNICEF Ethiopia: Maddy Mussa, 14, is a top three students in a grade two that aspires to be a doctor.
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140625
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140610
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140601
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140586
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140584
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140567
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140564
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140546
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140528
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140513
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140455
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140450
UNICEF Ethiopia: L1140446
UNICEF Ethiopia: image00011
UNICEF Ethiopia: image00005
UNICEF Ethiopia: image00004