UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime Erbo carrying a week supply of RUTF and her daughter of 18 month Shegitu
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime Erbo with her 18 months old daughter at the Rogicha Health post-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime Erbo with her 18 months old daughter at the Rogicha Health post-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: Health extension Worker-Worke Bati
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime feeding her 18 months daughter RUTF-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime feeding her 18 months daughter RUTF-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime feeding her 18 months daughter RUTF-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime gives water to her 18 months daughter after feeding her RUTF-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: Health Extension Worker Worke Bati watches as mother administers RUTF to child
UNICEF Ethiopia: Weighing of baby Shegitu by Health extension Worker and watched by the mother
UNICEF Ethiopia: Weighing of baby Shegitu by Health extension Worker and watched by the mother
UNICEF Ethiopia: Weighing of baby Shegitu by Health extension Worker and watched by the mother
UNICEF Ethiopia: Mothers waiting in line to get their baby weighted
UNICEF Ethiopia: Measurement of baby Shegitu MUAC-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 18 months old baby Shegitu being measured with specialized tape-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: IMG_2174
UNICEF Ethiopia: Health extension Worker conselling mothers on childfeeding in Korre Rogicha village-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: Health extension Worker conselling mothers on childfeeding in Korre Rogicha village-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime and her 18 months old baby in Korre Rogicha Village-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime and her 18 months old baby in Korre Rogicha Village-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime and her 18 months old baby in Korre Rogicha Village-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime, her 2 sons and mother outside their hut in Korre Rogicha Village-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime, her 2 sons and mother outside their hut in Korre Rogicha Village-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: 20 years old Shilime, her 2 sons and mother outside their hut in Korre Rogicha Village-Oromia Region
UNICEF Ethiopia: DSC_00031
UNICEF Ethiopia: DSC_0030
UNICEF Ethiopia: DSC_00027
UNICEF Ethiopia: DSC_0026
UNICEF Ethiopia: DSC_00020