unforth: Antietam Creek
unforth: Antietam Battlefield Visitor Center and Monuments
unforth: South from the Center
unforth: Twentieth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry Monument
unforth: Twentieth Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry Monument
unforth: Dunker Church
unforth: State of New York Monument
unforth: Southeast (?)
unforth: Northeast (?)
unforth: North from the New York Monument
unforth: Northwest
unforth: U.S.S. Antietam Bell
unforth: Model 1841 6-Pounder Gun
unforth: Model 1857 12-Pounder Gun-Howitzer
unforth: 3-Inch Ordnance Rifle
unforth: 10-Pounder Parrott Rifle
unforth: 5th, 66th and 7th Ohio Infantry Monument
unforth: The Dunker Church
unforth: Inside the Dunker Church
unforth: Behind the Dunker Church
unforth: The West Wood
unforth: 59th New York Infantry Monument
unforth: West Wood Bordering the Hagerstown Pike
unforth: The Philadelphia Brigade Monument
unforth: Mortuary Cannon for Brigadier General Willam E. Starke (CSA)
unforth: The Philadelphia Brigade Monument
unforth: South from the Pennsylvania Monument
unforth: Maryland Baltimore Battery Jacksons Division C.S.A. Monument
unforth: 3rd Delaware Volunteers Monument
unforth: North from the West Woods