unforth: Basin
unforth: Ewer
unforth: Pitcher
unforth: Plaque: The Trojans Defend Their City; They Kill Androgeos
unforth: Plaque: Aeneas Departs from Carthage
unforth: Plaque: Juno, Seated on a Golden Throne, asks Alecto to Confuse the Trojans
unforth: Saint Michael
unforth: Saint Michael
unforth: Saint Writing, possibly Saint John on Patmos
unforth: Initial S with Saint Stephen
unforth: Nativity in an Initial H
unforth: Initial D with the Martyrdom of Saint Agatha
unforth: Saint James the Lesser
unforth: Saint Stephen
unforth: Saint Catherine of Alexandria
unforth: Saint Savina of Troyes, or Saint Syna (?)
unforth: Initial B with the Archangel Michael
unforth: Initial D with Singing Monks
unforth: Initial V with All Saints
unforth: Initial S with Saint Peter Liberated from Prison
unforth: Crib of the Infant Jesus
unforth: Figures in a Rose Garden: A Lady and Two Gentlemen
unforth: Initial A with Scenes of Easter
unforth: Initial E with the Martyrdom of Saint Stephen
unforth: Saint Catherine of Alexandria
unforth: Virgin and Child
unforth: Initial S with the Beheading of Saint Paul
unforth: The Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew
unforth: The Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew
unforth: Inital G with the Birth of the Virgin