unforth: Silver Dove
unforth: Copper-Alloy Bottle
unforth: Ivory Pyxis with the Miracle of Christ's Multiplication of the Loaves
unforth: Panels from an Ivory Casket with Scenes of the Story of Joshua
unforth: Bone Casket with Erotes and Animals
unforth: Clock Watch with Sundial
unforth: Portrait of a Woman
unforth: Card Table from a Large Set
unforth: Portrait of a Woman
unforth: Charles Beauclerk, Duke of St. Albans
unforth: Francis, Lord Brooke, Later First Earl of Warwick
unforth: Pair of Gloves
unforth: Watches and Clocks
unforth: Chamber Candlestick with Extinguisher and Snuffers
unforth: Chamber Candlestick
unforth: Snuffers and Stand with Extinguisher
unforth: Silver Scissors and Two Bodkins
unforth: Filigreed Candlestick
unforth: State Bed and Hangings
unforth: Tankard
unforth: Watch
unforth: Traveling Clock with Alarm and Calender
unforth: Traveling Clock with Alarm and Calender
unforth: Pair-Case Watch
unforth: Traveling Clock Watch With Alarm
unforth: Snuffbox
unforth: Pair-Case Repeating Watch
unforth: Pair-Case Watch
unforth: Necessaire
unforth: Traveling Case