unforth: Gathering for the Parade
unforth: The Parade Route
unforth: Up Above
unforth: Dave Winfield and his Family
unforth: Orlando Cepeda and Family
unforth: Phil Niekro and Someone Else
unforth: Phil Niekro and Someone Else
unforth: Dennis Eckersley and Family
unforth: Bob Feller and Someone Else
unforth: Two Unknown All-Stars
unforth: Fergie Jenkins and Billy Williams
unforth: Fergie Jenkins (and Billy Williams?)
unforth: Dick Williams
unforth: Ozzie Smith
unforth: Unknown Hall of Famer
unforth: Paul Molitor
unforth: Paul Molitor and Someone Else
unforth: Tommy Lasorda
unforth: Tommy Lasorda
unforth: Jim Palmer and Someone Else
unforth: Jim Palmer and Someone Else
unforth: George Brett
unforth: George Brett
unforth: Rollie Fingers
unforth: Rod Carew
unforth: Goose Gossage
unforth: Tony Gwynn
unforth: Wade Boggs
unforth: Al Kaline
unforth: Gary Carter