unforth: IMG_0854
unforth: IMG_0855
unforth: Goddess Nemesis
unforth: IMG_0858
unforth: Study of the Head of a Young Woman
unforth: The Holy Family
unforth: St. Mary Magdalene
unforth: Portrait of Count Franz Anton Berka of Duba
unforth: Laban Searching for his Idols
unforth: Winter Landscape with Woodcutters
unforth: Jupiter and Mercury Visiting Philemon and Baucis
unforth: Vertumnus and Pomona
unforth: The Annunciation
unforth: The Scholar in His Studying Room
unforth: Bust of a Young Shepherdess
unforth: The Visitiation
unforth: Head of a Bearded Man in Profile
unforth: St. Augustine
unforth: Jasper Schade
unforth: Two Men and a Woman
unforth: Portrait of the Artist's Wife Charlotte Duchesne
unforth: Portrait of Judge Nicolaes Cromhout (1561 - 1641)
unforth: Refreshment of Soldiers