UNclimatechange: Bangkok Climate Change Conference - September 2018
UNclimatechange: Bangkok Climate Change Conference - September 2018
UNclimatechange: Patricia Espinosa, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary, briefs the press
UNclimatechange: Patricia Espinosa, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary, briefs the press
UNclimatechange: Patricia Espinosa, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary, briefs the press
UNclimatechange: Patricia Espinosa, UN Climate Change Executive Secretary, briefs the press
UNclimatechange: VIPs are welcomed at the conference centre
UNclimatechange: VIPs are welcomed at the conference centre
UNclimatechange: Opening ceremony of the Bangkok Climate Change Conference
UNclimatechange: H.E. Mr. Frank Bainimarama, COP 23 President
UNclimatechange: H.E. Mr. Frank Bainimarama, COP 23 President
UNclimatechange: Welcoming ceremony of the conference
UNclimatechange: Mr. Michal Kurtyka, President Designate of COP 24
UNclimatechange: Mr. Michal Kurtyka, President Designate of COP 24
UNclimatechange: Mr. Michal Kurtyka, President Designate of COP 24
UNclimatechange: H.E. General Surasak Kanchanarat Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand
UNclimatechange: H.E. General Surasak Kanchanarat Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand
UNclimatechange: Video message from the Deputy Secretary General Ms. Amina J. Mohammed is played in plenary
UNclimatechange: Mr. Kaveh Zahedi, Officer in Charge, ESCAP
UNclimatechange: Ms. Patricia Espinosa, UNFCCC Executive Secretary speaks at the opening of the conference
UNclimatechange: Mr. Kaveh Zahedi, Officer in Charge, ESCAP
UNclimatechange: Ms. Patricia Espinosa, UNFCCC Executive Secretary speaks at the opening of the conference
UNclimatechange: Welcoming ceremony of the conference
UNclimatechange: SBSTA 48-2 plenary
UNclimatechange: SBSTA 48-2 plenary
UNclimatechange: APA 1-6 opening plenary
UNclimatechange: The Presiding Officers of the Bangkok Climate Change Conference
UNclimatechange: The SBSTA, SBI and APA meet in a stocktaking plenary
UNclimatechange: The SBSTA, SBI and APA meet in a stocktaking plenary
UNclimatechange: Co-chairs and Co-facilitators of the APA