JmZ Florent: Un camion typiquement indien
JmZ Florent: Oops…
JmZ Florent: Busy street in Amritsar
JmZ Florent: Taking the train in India
JmZ Florent: Accident de camion #1
JmZ Florent: Accident de camion #2
JmZ Florent: Accident de camion #3
JmZ Florent: Accident de camion #3
JmZ Florent: Buffles sur la route
JmZ Florent: Accident #4
JmZ Florent: Check out the way the Enfield is attached !
JmZ Florent: Le convoi spécial
JmZ Florent: Le convoi spécial
JmZ Florent: Le convoi spécial
JmZ Florent: Accident #5
JmZ Florent: Triporteur gujarati
JmZ Florent: Accident #6
JmZ Florent: Buffles
JmZ Florent: Diu, fishermen's boats
JmZ Florent: 01_Chennai_01
JmZ Florent: 01_Chennai_07
JmZ Florent: 03_Pondicherry_04_Scenes_de_route_01
JmZ Florent: 03_Pondicherry_04_Scenes_de_route_02
JmZ Florent: 03_Pondicherry_04_Scenes_de_route_03
JmZ Florent: 03_Pondicherry_04_Scenes_de_route_05
JmZ Florent: 03_Pondicherry_04_Scenes_de_route_06
JmZ Florent: 03_Pondicherry_04_Scenes_de_route_07
JmZ Florent: 03_Pondicherry_04_Scenes_de_route_08
JmZ Florent: 03_Pondicherry_04_Scenes_de_route_10
JmZ Florent: 03_Pondicherry_04_Scenes_de_route_12