UNDP Ukraine: An overall view on Lyceum No. 26 in Zhytomyr
UNDP Ukraine: Claudia Amaral, Head of the EU Humanitarian Aid Office in Ukraine, and Jaco Cilliers, UNDP Resident Representative received self-made brooches from children.
UNDP Ukraine: The children are showcasing self-made brooches in yellow and blue colors
UNDP Ukraine: The children are presenting a traditional Ukrainian round loaf, known as a "korovai," to the delegation as a gift
UNDP Ukraine: Jaco Cilliers delivers an introductory speech during the visit to Lyceum No. 26 in the city of Zhytomyr
UNDP Ukraine: A group photo of the delegation with students and school administration
UNDP Ukraine: A view of the renovated windows from the school building's window
UNDP Ukraine: An overall view on Lyceum No. 26 in Zhytomyr
UNDP Ukraine: A view of the renovated windows from the school corridor
UNDP Ukraine: The delegation is inspecting the results of the repair works
UNDP Ukraine: The school principal is showing photos of the facility before and after the repairs
UNDP Ukraine: The delegation is listening to the principal's presentation
UNDP Ukraine: The delegation is listening to the principal's presentation
UNDP Ukraine: Maria Gutzman, UNDP IDRPB Team Leader, and Jaco Cilliers, UNDP Resident Representative
UNDP Ukraine: Jaco Cilliers, UNDP Resident Representative
UNDP Ukraine: Photos of the completed repair works, before and after
UNDP Ukraine: The roof of Lyceum No. 26 before and after renovation
UNDP Ukraine: The roof of Lyceum No. 26 after renovation
UNDP Ukraine: The roof of Lyceum No. 1 after restoration
UNDP Ukraine: The students of Lyceum No. 1 are working on computers in the renovated classroom
UNDP Ukraine: The delegation is greeting the principal of Lyceum No. 1
UNDP Ukraine: The delegation is greeting the students of Lyceum No. 1
UNDP Ukraine: The students of Lyceum No.1
UNDP Ukraine: Claudia Amaral, Head of the EU Humanitarian Aid Office in Ukraine
UNDP Ukraine: A group photo of the delegation with and school administration
UNDP Ukraine: Lyceum No. 1 ather restoration
UNDP Ukraine: The delegation is inspecting the results of the repair works