UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schoolsto: lighting to be replaced
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: before lighting replacement
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Old lighting
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: discussing preparation
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Taking measures of light intensity
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Reading luxmeter data
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Lux-meter
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Starting assembling new lighting fixtures
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Assembly of lighting fixtures
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Half is done in a classroom
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Done! TV makes a report
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Checking new lighting
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: New lighting installed
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: The school director, Mrs.Tatyana Nemzan
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: UNDP lighting expert, Mrs.Lyudmila Teplovodskaya
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Modernizing lighting in Kazakhstan schools: Interview for TV
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Montenegro reconfigures its energy strategy
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Montenegro reconfigures its energy strategy
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Energy efficient retrofitted household in Bijelo Polje, Montenegro
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar water heating system: Testing Center
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar water heating system: Testing Center
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar water heating system: Theth village
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar water heating system: Theth village
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Inauguration of a solar water heating system at Orphan House
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Inauguration of a solar water heating system at Orphan House
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar water heating system: Theth village
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Inauguration of a solar water heating system at Orphan House
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Inauguration of a solar water heating system at Orphan House
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Inauguration of a solar water heating system at Orphan House