UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Farmers can increase their revenues with electricity from the new solar panel
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar panel in Croatia
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Residents of Ajderovac, Croatia, used candles until they got a solar panel
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Residents of Ajderovac, Croatia, used candles until they got a solar panel
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Farmers of Ajderovac, Croatia, couldn't save and sell their milk until they got a solar panel
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Windmills in rural Croatia
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: The energy supply from the new solar panel could be extended to seven other families
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Installation of a solar panel in rural Croatia
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: The energy supply could be extended to seven other families
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar power is perfect for Croatia's mountainous Gračac municipality
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Farmers of Ajderovac, Croatia, couldn't save and sell their milk until they got a solar panel
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Farmers can increase their revenues with electricity from the new solar panel
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Sheep farm in Ajderovac, Croatia
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Families in Ajderovac used candlelight before solar power
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar power restores electricity to remote Croatian village
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Batteries storing electricity from solar power
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Electricity lines in Croatia were damaged in the 1990s
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar panel gives access to electricity to farmers in a remote Croatian community
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Solar energy is perfect for remote rural communities in Croatia
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Farmers used to rely on diesel generators for electricity
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Windmills in Croatia provide electricity to remote communities
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Farmers in rural Croatia benefit from solar energy
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Pig farm in Ajderovac, Croatia
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Pig farm in Ajderovac, Croatia
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Children playing in Ajderovac
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Windmills in Croatia
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Postcard from Ajderovac to Rio
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Postcard from Ajderovac to Rio