UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: The happiest moment of my life
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Lyubech, Ripky district, Chernigiv region
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Kuhche village, Zarichne district, Rivne region, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: The Chernobyl Memorial, on the spot of the 4th reactor of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, now covered over
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Prypiat was once home to 30,000 people, Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Prypiat town, Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Prypiat town, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Korosten, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Control Post "Dytiatky", entrance to the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Chernobyl Exclusion Zone in Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Luhyny district, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Community project "Reconstruction of Kindergarten" in Lugyny district, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Reconstructing sports facilities at the Lugyny Youth centre, Lugyny district, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Volunteers at the youth centre in Lugyny "Olimpia-Sport," Lugyny district, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Slavutych, a city of Chernobyl Power Plant workers built in 1986, Kyiv region
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Community leader, Sergiy Kotynec, from Zaliznytsia, Lubashiv district, Volyn region is signing agreement with UNDP
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Promoting safety measures for growing vegetables in areas that could have higher levels of radioactive contamination.
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Flower garden near Ms. Subotina's house, Ivankiv district, Kyiv region, zone of voluntary resettlement
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Flower garden near Ms. Subotina's house, Ivankiv district, Kyiv region, zone of voluntary resettlement
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Forest in Rivne region, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: How to reduce levels of internal irradiation
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: "Take control of your own future" is the UNDP slogan for people living in the Chernobyl affected areas
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Lystvyn, Zhytomyr region, Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Reforestation and effective forest management in territories where levels of radiation are still high
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: "Polissianochka" is a children's folk ensemble from Ovruch district, managed by Valentyna Opanasivna Radkevych
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Road sign to rhe ghost town of Prypyat, Chernobyl Exclusion Zone
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Chernobyl_povar (2)
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Ovruch district, Zhytomyr region in Ukraine
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Belarus: Health Fair to promote radiation safety and healthy lifestyles in Chernobyl affected areas.
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Belarus: Health Fair to promote radiation safety and healthy lifestyles in Chernobyl affected areas.