UNDP Eurasia:
A village in Uzbekistan adapts to climate change, and raises incomes
UNDP Eurasia:
A village in Uzbekistan adapts to climate change, and raises incomes
UNDP Eurasia:
Shepherd and his flock of sheep
UNDP Eurasia:
Shepherd and his flock of sheep
UNDP Eurasia:
Flock of sheep
UNDP Eurasia:
Farmer in Azerbaijan
UNDP Eurasia:
Life as a potato harvester in Kosovo.
UNDP Eurasia:
Kosovo had a little lamb and its fleece was as white as snow.
UNDP Eurasia:
Dairy farm in Kosovo
UNDP Eurasia:
Feeding the cows with hay
UNDP Eurasia:
A cow's diet of hay
UNDP Eurasia:
Mother pig
UNDP Eurasia:
Farmer and his pig
UNDP Eurasia:
Pig farmers of Kosovo
UNDP Eurasia:
Farming pigs
UNDP Eurasia:
Life as a pig in Kosovo
UNDP Eurasia:
Working in the pastures of Kosovo
UNDP Eurasia:
Harvesting food in Kosovo
UNDP Eurasia:
Life as a raspberry gatherer
UNDP Eurasia:
Getting ready for harvest
UNDP Eurasia:
Busy bees at work
UNDP Eurasia:
Life is sweet in Kosovo
UNDP Eurasia:
Honey production in Kosovo
UNDP Eurasia:
Sticky business in Kosovo
UNDP Eurasia:
Working with raspberries have never been so delicious
UNDP Eurasia:
Ripe and ready to pick
UNDP Eurasia:
Raspberries have never been so fresh
UNDP Eurasia:
Raspberries ready for picking
UNDP Eurasia:
A day for picking raspberries
UNDP Eurasia:
Raspberries are ready to eat