UNDP in India: Building institutions: Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments, Mumbai, 1969
UNDP in India: Building institutions: Centre for Survey of India (Training and Map Making); Hyderabad, 1967
UNDP in India: Building institutions: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur set up in 1950 with support from the Extended Programme for Technical Assistance
UNDP in India: Building institutions: Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, 1958
UNDP in India: Building institutions: Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru with James Keene, Resident Representative, UN Technical Assistance Board, New Delhi, 1958
UNDP in India: Building livelihoods: Rehabilitation of manual scavengers through skill development; Madhya Pradesh, 2013
UNDP in India: Building leadership in renewables: The market for solar concentrator technologies doubles; Tamil Nadu, 2014
UNDP in India: Ensuring rights: Women secure land rights; Gujarat, 2015
UNDP in India: Harnessing IT: Innovative ICT solutions can improve people’s lives, Karnataka, 2008
UNDP in India: Building sustainable livelihoods: Women earn income through crab farming; Maharashtra, 2015
UNDP in India: Accessing justice: Women learn about their rights and entitlements; Jharkhand, 2015
UNDP in India: Protecting the planet: Tea plantations in the Nilgiri Hills are more energy efficient; Tamil Nadu 2012
UNDP in India: Conserving biodiversity: Fishermen adopt sustainable fishing practices; Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, 2011
UNDP in India: Using technology: Creative and interactive education improve learning outcomes; Gujarat, 2008
UNDP in India: Harnessing people’s power: Self-help groups in Andhra Pradesh improve the lives of women and families; Andhra Pradesh, 2014
UNDP in India: Harnessing biodiversity wealth: Traditional medicinal healers protect forest wealth; Chhattisgarh, 2015
UNDP in India: Practicing sustainable farming: Women farmers increase incomes through integrated farming practices; Nagaland, 2012
UNDP in India: Protecting the planet: Production sectors integrate biodiversity conservation; Andhra Pradesh, 2012
UNDP in India: Building rural tourism: Tourism is a sustainable livelihood option; Karnataka, 2008
UNDP in India: Towards sustainable production: Secondary steel sector becomes more energy efficient; Rajasthan, 2013
UNDP in India: Building resilience: Communities are trained in disaster preparedness; Odisha, 2008
UNDP in India: Overcoming disability: UN Volunteers support Malsawm School for the Differently-abled; Manipur, 2013
UNDP in India: Building back better: Odisha builds disaster resilient homes; 2014