Undomestic Diva: Last lunch together at Midway
Undomestic Diva: Awww, good-byes suck
Undomestic Diva: Um...................
Undomestic Diva: That's right. A 95, bitches!
Undomestic Diva: Greasy balls. Just sayin'.
Undomestic Diva: Fashion (or tact) was never my thing
Undomestic Diva: Sorta disgruntled team
Undomestic Diva: It's all about the socks. Let's be honest.
Undomestic Diva: Let's get ready to.... bowl.
Undomestic Diva: Bowlher, baby
Undomestic Diva: @JenBShaw at the #supersecretpizzaparty
Undomestic Diva: @AMomTwoBoys is a smooth twitterer
Undomestic Diva: Gino's East... delivery
Undomestic Diva: Pizza in bed. Totally normal.
Undomestic Diva: Caught mid-bite. It happens.
Undomestic Diva: w/ Andrea of @Sweet_Life
Undomestic Diva: Dude! Pizza! Gino's, no less!
Undomestic Diva: w/ @Shash
Undomestic Diva: w/ @Backpackingdad (he's taller than you think!)
Undomestic Diva: @Overflowinbrain w/ @MrLady
Undomestic Diva: w/ @MrLady
Undomestic Diva: Men's panel... which ROCKED!
Undomestic Diva: w/ @BJHenry
Undomestic Diva: Game plan
Undomestic Diva: @ZoeyJane knows he's not real... right?
Undomestic Diva: w/ @EmmieJ on the dance floor
Undomestic Diva: @AngryJulie lookin' a little less angry
Undomestic Diva: w/ @SarcasticMomLC
Undomestic Diva: Um, Miss? Whatcha doin'??