retro_duck: Mistral on the Hollywood alley:)
retro_duck: Sisters:)
retro_duck: Mommy?
retro_duck: serious ladies don't stand on the streets.
retro_duck: serious ladies don't stand on the streets.
retro_duck: what's up,honey?
retro_duck: girls in the woods#3
retro_duck: girls feel the spring
retro_duck: girls feel the spring: )
retro_duck: Cuteness!
retro_duck: Mistral,do you want to be invisible?
retro_duck: girls in the woods#2: )
retro_duck: girls in the woods: )
retro_duck: Mr.Duck,what's wrong with you?
retro_duck: And the White Knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"#2
retro_duck: And the White Knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"#3
retro_duck: Mistral is the wind.
retro_duck: Mistral - is the wind.
retro_duck: Mistral with Pluto.
retro_duck: Mistral.
retro_duck: Good dogs like yummy food!
retro_duck: Good dogs so much like yummy food!
retro_duck: Good dogs like yummy food!
retro_duck: The look of Mistral.
retro_duck: String.
retro_duck: I am just a doll.
retro_duck: I am a doll that not shy at all;)
retro_duck: I am a doll that not shy at all in b/w ;-D
retro_duck: Geometric.
retro_duck: Sunglasses mania.