MeanGirl: pink sunglasses and mullet
MeanGirl: Leather
MeanGirl: unplate. rain.
MeanGirl: mitya
MeanGirl: Rainy Friday
MeanGirl: bah to waiting in rain
MeanGirl: Angel. Mitya.
MeanGirl: Pankov!
MeanGirl: In front of mirror box
MeanGirl: Through the box of mirrors
MeanGirl: See my camera?
MeanGirl: Lights blink....
MeanGirl: that baby has boobies
MeanGirl: Never leave baby unattended!
MeanGirl: in the men's room/stall
MeanGirl: tye dye
MeanGirl: hippy
MeanGirl: 5th floor Exhibit
MeanGirl: From the projection room
MeanGirl: From the projection room 2
MeanGirl: Rain outside my work
MeanGirl: IMG_6517.JPG
MeanGirl: awesome 60s installation
MeanGirl: laid on pillows for like 2 hours in here
MeanGirl: In the projection room
MeanGirl: bright lights
MeanGirl: mitya's camera in the box of mirrors
MeanGirl: somewhere in the sky
MeanGirl: space cadet, my shoulders look large