jessica world: Big Ben Photo Booth and a fence
jessica world: chanel?
jessica world: Westminster Abbey
jessica world: Dorky Parliament
jessica world: Erin/Jess/London
jessica world: Awwwwww
jessica world: More Parliament
jessica world: Tea Time illustration
jessica world: English Rose
jessica world: Contortion at the Tate
jessica world: DJ in a box
jessica world: Flower girl
jessica world: High Tea of Highgate
jessica world: Victorian Sponge cake
jessica world: delicious treats!
jessica world: Erooooon
jessica world: Most darling tea cup chandelier
jessica world: It's always tea time!
jessica world: that's Georgina Worthington
jessica world: MMMM let us eat cake!
jessica world: more HT of HG
jessica world: IMG_1033.JPG
jessica world: Portabello Road
jessica world: great sign
jessica world: IMG_1028.JPG
jessica world: how cuuute is this place?
jessica world: hey there u old coot!
jessica world: in Frank Ghery's outdoor structure